Wednesday, July 23, 2014

war diary- day 16

It is late and I am tiered but I know that there are some people in the world who really care, so I just let you know that I am still here.
I went to see my grand kids again today . We had to enter the protected room in their house only once,We played a few minutes outside but it was too hot and too scary.The youngest grand kid who is almost 2 saw
a tank in the TV and said this is a space ship..they do not watch much news and it is good.


  1. Thank you Yael for letting us know you and the family are OK. I think it great the grand children do not see 'the news' on TV ... this allows them to keep their innocence and stay children. Stay safe!!

    1. Shirly I knew that you will be worried if there will be no sighn of life from me.;) I am OK.

  2. I'm glad to hear that everyone is safe. It makes me sad to think about little kids having to retreat to a safe room on a daily basis. It's just not right that decent, ordinary folks all over the world have to suffer through the folly of war.

    I wish I could help in some way. I'm sending you my very kindest regards, and hope that your family remains safe and sound. Take care!

  3. I hear that Hamas is 'talking'. Personally I wouldn't trust them, but maybe they will stop for a while. I have 2 grandsons with me at the moment, and I was thinking of you.

  4. Cro , I told my dauhgter yesterday that there are some people in the world that do care about us and that it is helping very much this days,Thank you.

  5. In Israel children can stay ssfe, unfortunately not in Gaza . What about their innocence.
    Shalom Hannah

    1. I think that is a question you should ask Hamas. Before this present conflict started the innocent civilians were warned to leave the area... would Hamas ever do that!

    2. If the Hamas would not use them as human shields they would be safe.

    3. I feel sorry for the children in Israel AND Gaza. Caring about people and their suffering doesn't have to choose sides!

  6. There are no sides, Jennifer, there are Palestinians who suffer from the Hamas and Israelies who suffer from the Hammas.

  7. I have you in my good thoughts and prayers.

  8. Tank you Margie. We need it,
