Wednesday, October 15, 2014

2 cats watching the first rain

It was the first rain, it lasted only 5 minutes
but Edmund the cat and Sneaky the former street cat
were full of thoughts while it last.
the empty food dishes got so empty because
one hedgehog and 2 jays are helping each day to finish the meal.
I noticed that the jays are making cat's voices when they want the cats to go away from the food.


  1. Your cats are lucky to have a home in which to stay dry.
    Those jays have such chutspah when it comes to stealing food.

    1. It is amazing how they can make cat voices.

  2. I love the smell of the first rain. I didn't realise Israel had hedgehogs ... Australia has echidnas but in New Zealand we had hedgehogs. Not easy to pick up though ... far too prickly!!

    1. For many years we have a familly of hedgehogs in the garden, Now I noticed that each evning 2 of them are coming to eat the cat's food.

  3. Cats are so funny. I have a Hedgehog on my today's page.

  4. I know I read your page first thing in the morning with my coffee.

    1. The cats don't mind the hedgehogs eating their food after they had finish, They just seet and watch.

  5. I like you cat pictures. I was going to say to Cro today that I can judge the weather by the cats. If all four are in then it is going to be wet. When they disappear in the summer it is dry for a week.

  6. But he frefered to judje the weather by other mothod as I saw...
