Tuesday, September 9, 2014


War was good for my blogging.
Now that there is only a small fear on the back of my mind,( When it will all start again),
I can not find time and blogging ideas.
I remember that anonymous calling me "old granny", and was thinking that
i might steak to that blogging image.
I shall try and find some old photos of grandmothers in Georgia ( gru

zia), and if not I shall post Edmund photo's welcoming me every day.


  1. Haha, yes, good idea, make it a Babushka Blog. :)

  2. Often when the tensions and stresses of the moment or days dissipates our minds take a rest. Old?? Age brings wisdom! Doesn't it? And going along with that theme, wisdom defeats age:) I have learned a new word ... Babushka means grandmother:)

  3. The lack of warfare being your excuse for not blogging so often, sounds good to me. I hope it continues (and you will now talk of other things).

  4. Sometimes the ordinary is quite nice. Chaos is never good, whether in affairs of state or in blogging. Nothing wrong with being an "old granny".

    1. Lady Magnon is an 'Old Granny'; and she wouldn't mind being called it at all.

  5. ok ok, I shall be an happy old granny from now on:)

  6. Haha, I hope A. sees what fun his comment is generating here.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Sometimes I cannot think of an interesting blog topic, so I just take a break for a while.
    Love your cat pictures, The trees and shrubs are lovely.
    I like being an old granny:)

  9. Well, finally my post is published! I have posted and posted and posted and it never published. I can't figure out how. I am in Dallas, Texas, using a friend's computer and my silly post was published. I hope it will work when I get home.
    I love your blog and was so glad to find it. I've followed long enough to be very concerned about you and yours.

  10. Thank you so much. You are welcom.
