Saturday, November 15, 2014

Edmund the cat again

I never had cats before Edmund. It was always dogs since I was a child.
We were told as children that we should avoid passing by black cats because of bad luck.
Than we were told that the Japanese believe that black cats bring good luck. Something was balanced
and black cats were just cats.
Edmund choose to live with us . He just came one day a year ago and  than he brought Sneaky the street cat and they are both seems happy here.
Edmund is the one who takes the time for the meals and calling me loud if I am late (slowly he get used to the time change with the winter clock.
Every morning he sits by the water tape waiting for me to let him drink fresh water.
He lets Sneaky do the hard work of catching the mice on the roof. He  is watching the humans instead and when ever he sees neighbors standing and having a small talk he gets closer and just listening carefully.I got told by several that that what he does many times.


  1. Interesting, the different roles your two cats have adopted.

    Shabbat shalom to you and the kitties.

    1. Shabat shalom dina.
      It is so interesting to watch them. I did not know any thing about cats before.

  2. In England it is considered lucky if a black cat crosses your path. I have had cats since I was in my mid 20's, but never a black one….present cat is a semi longhaired tabby aged 15.

    1. Hi Frances,
      Sneaky is also a taby. he is very clever I think.

  3. My cat bit me this morning, I have no idea why. He was sitting happily on my lap then suddenly gave me a gentle 'nip', and jumped off. Little monkey.

  4. That strange. May be he wanted some of the real sausage that you had for breakfast,

  5. As you know I have four black cats. Edmund looks lovely and serene. Just like my Thomas. Thomas makes a lot of noise if I am late with his meals too. They all have different characters although they are from the same litter. They all have very strong personalities.

    1. Thank you Rachel for the nice things you said about Edmund:)

  6. We had cats at one stage, and all were black, but unfortunately they 'went missing'. We did find one, frozen and dead, down the road but the others? Just went missing, though I suspect someone in the neighbourhood didn't like cats.
    Edmund is a very intelligent cat!

  7. It so sad when a cat disapear. It happenes a lot.
