Friday, April 26, 2024

Far from Denmark.

 It is one of the most beautiful and magical things in nature, the little yellow flower and the pink and white flower, both very small growing in the garden, almost invisible but suddenly you notice their beauty, and in contrast to them the hollyhock, which is hard not to see right away, tall and towering, it came to the garden uninvited, but immediately took over Everyone. It's the first one to notice.

I started with my garden a few years ago when I saw pictures of a garden in Denmark, only green plants in all kinds of shades, also some red and silver, I thought it was lovely and I wanted a garden like that too. I don't know anything about gardening but I tried, I bought all kinds of plants and made the attempt, it was partially successful because this is not Denmark.                                                                          Because of the partial success I also started adding flowers, also because I love flowers, and also because in the end it doesn't look like that garden in Denmark.                                                                              This is not the first nor the last case where I did things with the belief that something different could be created here, I make many analogies in this regard to my journey in blogland, but about that another time.
In the meantime, my garden is beautiful in a way that suits it, far from Denmark, suffering from hot days, (40c yesterday), dust storms and more, but I take care of it.


  1. A garden full of flowers is a thing of beauty that cannot fail to lift the spirits.

  2. It really is. And I'm glad that there are also flowers there, not just green plants like in that garden in Denmark.

  3. I love how you've created what you wanted, inspired by someplace else but adapted to your home turf. I wish I could grown hollyhocks like that! Ours never prosper.

    1. The hollyhocks probably need a lot of sun. Here they are everywhere.

  4. Your flowers are lovely! Lately, I am getting more weeds than flowers to I have to get busy out there!

    1. Here too there are quite a few weeds in other parts of the garden, sometimes I pay someone to fight them.

  5. I never tire of seeing plants and flowers and watching them grow. We can be inspired by other gardens we see, but always have to 'cut our coat to suit our cloth' but always producing some thing of beauty.
    Thinking of you Yael.

    1. Thank you Kathy. I don't understand anything about gardening but apparently a little attention and continuous care helps.

  6. I have a garden which is mostly green, with ferns and leafy plants and very few flowers. Not intentionally, but because our garden does not get much sun. I would so love vibrant colours in the garden as you have! I have planted all sorts of flowers which didn´t really florish, but now I have learnt to be happy with what I can have.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. That's probably the secret, to be happy with what you have.

  7. I've always wanted to grow vegetables, I haven't done it yet.

  8. How wonderful to have a place to grow flowers

  9. Lovely flowers. hollyhocks are such pretty flowers.
    And 40 degrees! My goodness!
