Monday, December 4, 2023

Day fifty eight

 There is no ceasefire. Guess who broke it?

I can't understand why they do this and how they have no mercy for the people they use as human shields.

On Friday I planned to be at my daughter's house for the evening because I thought there would still be a ceasefire, of course I stayed at home and as soon as the alarms started I saw that rockets were being fired towards their place as well. I always wait ten minutes which is the recommended time to stay in the protected room (for those who have one) and then call to ask if everything is okay. Everything was fine then.                                                                                                                                                                               We decided that I would come on Saturday morning but I was afraid, in the previous round I knew more or less when they would shoot and I could guess when it was worth going, this time I decided to wait and see what the rate and range were at which they shoot. I haven't been to them yet.                                               Yesterday I went to buy some things in the small town next to us and it is impossible to describe the sadness I see on the faces of the people, everyone knows someone who was killed, kidnapped, captured or missing. This country is very small.                                                                                                                                  There are still more than a hundred people in captivity. They are not in a hurry to release the young women, it is clear to everyone why, but nobody talk about it openly.

Yesterday I saw on TV a 97-year-old woman who managed to escape from her house in Kibbutz Beri, her Filipino nanny was murdered, the terrorists were already in her house, but she went out with her walker and found someone who drove her outside the kibbutz that was already destroyed and burned and managed to get to a safe place. A 97-year-old woman, her son was murdered there and her grandson was kidnapped to Gaza.                                                                                                                                                        There are hours when if you don't turn on the TV and don't look at the iPhone, life seems to be normal, but the soul knows that it is not really so.


  1. I know my brother in law, wife and 5 children don't have a protected room so they have to move quickly into the concrete staircase in their building. But aren't there building regulations that demand _all_ new buildings to include a safe room for _every_ family? If a family lives above ground level, is their safe room as solid as a safe room at ground level or below? I am anxious all the time :(

  2. I think now we need to build a protected room, it used to not be like that. My house was built in the fifties and does not have a safe room. I'm just standing in the small hallway during alarms and I know it's Russian roulette, if I remember correctly your family in Tel Aviv, where there have been quite a few alarms lately. People go out to their stairwells in their houses, I'm not sure how safe it really is.

  3. I feel physically sick thinking about what those young women are going through.
    The need for a safe room / protected room in your house is a reminder to those of who live in different circumstances just how fortunate we are. Some people here complain and want more, more, more and don't appreciate that they are able to live without such dangers.

    1. People end up being like that all over the world. Even here, despite everything, there are people who want more, but the war definitely changed everyone's proportions.

  4. These are extremely dangerous times. Living through this frightening war with no end in sight is heartbreaking. In addition to the bombs hitting the ground, US news reports an American Navy ship recently struck down 4 drowns carrying bombs headed for the war zone. I worry about further escalation.

    1. Indeed the future is very uncertain. But we are strong, this is our war of existence.

  5. The stress of living with such fear must be terrible, Yael. I hope you and your family stay safe.

  6. Thank you Ellen. There are also quiet hours and we are careful.

  7. What happened on the morning of 7th October unites the Jews together during this war and more to come. The denial of what Hamas are reminds me of the establishment of Nazi Germany when Hitler's lies were denied or ignored or not questioned.

  8. As long as people do not understand that Hamas ISIS is an idea whose basis is to dominate Islam in the world and not only here we will be alone in this struggle, but we are united and strong.

  9. Some people can not allow themselves to believe the truth, Yael, but thank you for the further information. I agree with Rachel. It makes me also think of Germany in ww2. But people still deny the truth.
    May I send this information to some other people , Yael ??
    The great invocation keeps running through my mind.
    Take care Yael.
    Take care Yael

  10. Of course Kathy you can pass on what is written here. Maybe it would help a little if more people understood what was going on here.

  11. Having read what you wrote I am so wanting to somehow comfort you,I can only pray that your faith will sustain you. As adults we know that there is evil in this world, as people of faith we know that ultimately Goodness
    will win.I know my words don't change your circumstances,yet I believe in time my praying for you will.If I,one who's never met you,cares,imagine how much God loves you.-Mary

    1. Thank you Mary, good to meet people like you here on the blog.

  12. It must be terrible for you Yael, and people forget that the rockets have been aimed towards you for years. I do hope that when it's all over that Hamas will be totally destroyed; but what hope is there of that?

  13. It will take time but this evil can be brought down. It's a shame that it also has a heavy price, but there is no other choice. This is our life here.
