Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tomorrow is another day

Television worked all day, things repeated, alarms in Tel Aviv and places they thought they were far from the missile range. There really is no safe place. It's all about luck. The children are happy that there is no school tomorrow, again, and they all sleep together in the sheltered room.
Tomorrow is another day.


  1. There are still alarms as i type this.don't feel bad about me, I am OK.

    1. Sleep well. I hope tomorrow (and all the other tomorrows) are better for you and the children.

    2. Thanks Tom, six o'clock in the morning and I woke up after a quiet night.

  2. Oh Yael, but the children can sleep. This is life as you know it, but sadly life should be a lot safer. Take care.

    1. Thank you Shirley. I hope you are ok with all the fires there.

  3. Yael, my stomach aches for you. I know you know how to stay safe, and I wish you all the safety in Israel.

  4. I'd like to write that you get used to it, but it's not true,

  5. Oh Yael, what a horrible thing to live through again and again. May you and your family always be 'lucky'.

  6. Sometimes I take my peaceful surroundings for granted. I cannot imagine what it is like for you Yael. Stay safe. x

  7. Thanks to you Cro, Linda and Sue, sometimes I ask myself if I really get used to it and I have no answer, to a certain extent life goes on as usual, I'm on my way to the hairdresser, and the fear is not too big.Some places in the world have big fires, other have floods, earthquakes, and so on.And we have what we have here what we have.It is all about luck i believe.

  8. Nothing to say, really, except that we are thinking of you. xx Bea
