Monday, November 18, 2019

Other people's troubles

Or why I love BlogLand.
Quiet now and it is possible to live in the illusion that this is how it will be for a long time and in the meantime to immerse myself in this book I read about it in Blogland, I ordered it at an English site and without a shipping fee it cost a quarter of the price of each book here, (shipping was free).


  1. I want to read that too! I am looking for a second hand book on the internet. You reminded me about it. It sounds like an excellent.
    Hope you have the peace to enjoy it

    1. Try, the shipping is free.

    2. Thanks. I use Alibris a lot but shipping is not free!

  2. Enjoy your book, and hopefully a time of peace in which to read it.

  3. I have heard that it is a good book. Maybe I should read more than I do.

    1. As you read the book you learn to appreciate what is there.

  4. I had never heard of The Salt Path but did a little research and I want to read it! I use World of Books [a 2nd-hand on-line bookshop which has free delivery in Australia.

  5. I have read about it on several blogs here. I haven't read a book in English in a long time and I enjoy both the book and that.

  6. It is good to have you as a blog friend Yael. x

  7. Thank you Rachel. I feel the same about you.

  8. Yael, I am so pleased you are reading this book. I said in my blog how much the book moved me, so much that I read it several times, straight through, to be sure I had missed nothing. I hope when you are done, you will tell us if reading it in Hebrew would have made a difference.

    1. I read it in English Joanne, I am already influenced by it, it makes me not take for granted what I have.
