Thursday, October 17, 2024

be a troll

 The few among you must have noticed the troll's comments here. They don't last long here, thanks to the blogger who allows comments to be deleted, and they really do nothing for me, but I wonder what the unfortunate mental components are of those who choose to be a troll.                                                                       First of all, he must be very cowardly, he has no profile, he has no figure and face, he is anonymous, he has no courage to express his opinion openly. And he doesn't actually have an opinion either, from his comments it is clear that he is very anti-Israel and anti-Semitic, and anti-Semitism is not an opinion. He is very angry that I really like people who support me here, and expresses his anger in a very childish way that indicates some other problematic lines in his personality.                                                     The overt and covert aggression he shows in his comments make me wonder where else this comes out in his life, and I'm sure this is a very unhappy person.                                                                                               Choosing to be a troll is choosing to be a bad and cowardly person, your comments are deleted before I even read them, so I suggest you, instead of investing the energy here, take care of yourself, maybe get the right treatment and restore your miserable personality.


  1. Hate is such a self destructive emotion. It usually hurts the hater as much as their target.

  2. I'm sorry that your blog has these annoying and tiring problems. I'm not a troll , I just want to put some words clearer . Arabs are Semits too , so you must explain that antisemitism in a modern sense is understood as anti Israel and anti Jews which in a semantic way is incorrect. I hope your horrible difficult situation comes to an end and your government finds an appropiate solution
    Regards Paul

  3. I'm sorry this is happening, Yael. It takes a truly pathetic person to be a bully behind the anonymity of a screen. Deleting without engaging is probably the best thing to do. Attention only feeds trolls.

    I'm glad you continue to check in here and let us know how you're doing. I think of you every day and wish for safety and peace for you and your family.
