Saturday, August 18, 2018

Small conversations

At least 100 motorcyclists took our places for breakfast outside, they love the narrow roads in the mountains here near the house, we waited at the bar and drank a Coke, and meanwhile we had a conversation. child: Grandma, what is this house on the mountain?
Me: It should have been a hotel but has become a nursing home. Now it too has closed,
Child: Is there a nursing home nearby
Me: There is not.
Boy: You're going to regret this very much in the future.


  1. What a thing to say to your Grandma!

  2. I hope people who read the post will understand, He is only 7 and really cars about me.

    1. Good for him to make the connection. But I hope The Boy is wrong and that you will never need it, Yael.
      Shabbat shalom.

    2. I hope so too,Dina. Shavua tov.

  3. Very clever answer for a seven year old!
    Nice to go out for breakfast

  4. He sounds like he is a philosopher in the making.

  5. So cute, he made me smile with his thoughtful wisdom.

  6. The things little kids observe and say! I love it! :)

  7. Now I am sure that people understand:)

  8. Very nice photo. Children often say things to be kind, but to adults they can sound the opposite. He was only thinking of your comfort!

  9. My 5 yr old grandson and I were watching an " old lady" walk slowly across in front of the car, she had white hair and a stick.........I said "well Grandma hasn't got white hair or a stick.".........his answer was " no but you have a wrinkly neck" !! Thanks G . I was quite proud of my neck until then !

  10. I smiled at your grandson's comment. Out of the mouths of babes as they say.

    1. I still remember what you told me about your granddaughter what she said in the car :)

    2. I laughed at your reply Yael. I often remind her of that conversation.

    3. I hope you'll blog again someday Shirley.

  11. Every comment is a delight, starting with your grandson!

  12. I came over from Sparrow Tree Journal’s blog because your comment, every time I leave the house I just want to go back”, told me that this is the type of person I know I will like.

    Your grandson’s comment is so funny!

  13. Stop promoting on Cro's blog the Charedi community they are racists and women haters like islamists. I have a friend she escaped her Charedi community in New York and her life was a horror. So you as an intelligent woman please make the difference. Israel will have no good future with these peoples viEW for their country. Shalom
    Your grand children are cute and I'm not a troll . People do not like me cause my comments do not fit them.
