Friday, July 10, 2015

what's wrong with plastic eyes?

For Rachel.


  1. Haha! Your little animals are so cute!
    Shabbat shalom

  2. That frog reminds me of the toad who sits out under one of my security lights at night and catches bugs. Maybe I should make him a companion like that!

  3. They are all hot peppers. Nice that you see a frog here:)

  4. Yes it is amazing what you can do with plastic eyes. Stick two plastic eyes in and hey presto you have a cute little animal. Of course you also have to have good imagination to see something is possible in the first place. x

  5. I liked your avocado's scream.

  6. And one of them is green with envy!

  7. Great creative imagination! I like the frog and the dog who looks as though he has been into mischief but is pretending it isn't him!

  8. Those little creatures are adorable! I love them!

  9. It was fun to make them, for Johne.

  10. Don't dare to insult me. Und falls Sie Halluzinationen zu meiner Identität haben , sollten Sie unbedingt konsultieren. Je früher, je besser. Ich glaube verstanden zu haben , Ihre Großmutter (?) kam aus Deutschland, also werden Sie verstehen was ich schreibe. Sie sind eine Mater Dolorosa was für Ihre Enkelkinder nicht unbedingt gut ist, nach vorne schauen , das Leben ist schön , selbst in Israel ( in spite of the ennemis in YOUR country). Shalom Sara Miller

  11. If I'm not Sara Miller but Adrien ask him to translate for you.

  12. Go on Cro's blog and read the comments, ( yours included) People suppose as you, that I am Eddy, Aron and a certain Adrien who is supposed to be my alter ego.I am angry tonight, I am often harsh in my comments, but I always commented under my name . You said on Cro's blog that you know who you are, I know who I am too. So I hope your life will go on peacefully.
    Sara Miller

  13. Mr. Gray called me a twat and an arsehole. A very polite person. The problem is that you all run with the pack. I will NEVER EVER make a comment on any of your blogs again.
    Not worth to waste my time.

    1. You said that earlier and seem to be making loads since...

    2. I trust Mr. Gray, I have to google twat, i don't know what is it but i trust him and the words that he uses...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. welcome Helsie:) I am so glad to see you here.

  14. That's only words John, I don't mind, she can say what she likes as long as she dont shoot me or kill me or put me on a consetration camp,

    1. I noticed he posted in German....I'm sure he was trying to be as offensive as possible. :(

    2. You speak German ? So translate for Yael.

  15. What a despicable person this troll is. I agree with John....block this person!

    You are a lovely woman and I enjoy your blog very much. I hope a few ugly, evil people don't ruin blogging for you.

  16. Thank you Jennifer for your kind words,as I told John I dont mind as long as it is just words,

  17. You shouldnt have to read sucjh words
    Non of us should...

  18. Of course i googled twat, it has few meanings... and it is doesnot among the 7 words that one should not say in tv.

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  20. To get back to more pleasant subjects…….I think that your little animals are excellent. I also see the mischievous dog ! X

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