Thursday, March 12, 2015

Bad habits

Edmund the cat is ready to drink only from the water tap.It was not like this at the beginning but i think i spoiled him after he got the kidney stones. So now i have to stand by the water tap few times a day and let him drink. Other wise he will suffer again from those stones.I know i posted about this before but i am so amazed how i  manage to spoil every creature that owns me .


  1. We couldn't get by without them, so there is no harm in pampering an animal companion a little. They always give back in more than equal measure.

  2. He came to live with us a year ago and brought with him his freind Sneaky. Sneaky is not so spoiled and have seceret life that i know nothig about as he comes and go, but Edmund stays here most of the time so i need to give him all the services that are needed.

  3. If you leave out some water in a dish he will have that if he is desperate and you can still do the tap with him for a bit of fun.

  4. I leave him the dish Rachel and he doesn't drink. It is 22:30 now; i just came in after standing 10 minuts outside waiting for him to finish . now i am going to read you blog:)

  5. There is a saying ... people own dogs but cats own people:) Maybe Edmund likes your company when he is drinking!!:)

  6. Both Monty (dog) and Freddie (cat) used to prefer to drink from a running tap. Monty outdoors, and Freddie from our bedroom hand basin. I think it's quite common; but goodness knows why!

  7. Don't forget that we people need to drink lots of water too. At least 2 liters a day is recommended.

  8. I dont think i drink that much.

  9. yael - i had a cat who had bad kidneys and left the sink running all day long for her while at work - you would not believe the hydro bills! now i have 3 stray males all of whom will only drink from short glasses and they have to be placed just so. there is one in the bathroom, one in the kitchen, one in the living room and one on the porch! geesh, eh?

    really enjoying your blog since i found you through harry flashman!

  10. Thank you so much Kymber, I am glad you are here:) I also pay a lot for water here:) God bless harry flashman who brourgt shch a nice people to my blog:)

  11. yael,
    there is made fountains for cats that flow always but recirculate the water. they are electric, perhaps cat would drink from that?
    deb h.

  12. Hi Deborah, I bought him that fountain and he did not like it. Welcome to my blog and thank you for taking the time to comment.
