Friday, September 30, 2022

things i learn

Every now and then we go on a short shopping trip. She is already older and very focused on what she wants. Many times it is still the same store where she buys materials for her artwork that she loves so much. In the store we were in earlier, she had a hair mask and a make-up pencil. Her world is so different from mine when I was her age.

When I asked her how she knows what's going on in the world if there are no newspapers at home and no news on TV, she replied that everything is on Tik Tok. A short test showed me that she was indeed right. She also convinced me to follow the royal family's Instagram, which I did.


Saturday, February 26, 2022


My grandfather was born in Odessa. I do not know when he came to Germany, I found his father's death certificate in Berlin so I guess the whole family moved from Odessa to Berlin at some point.
In 1933 he was forced to leave his life in Berlin and came here with my grandmother and my mother who was six then.
Four years later he was murdered by Arabs in the orchard where he worked. I did not know him and I do not feel a special connection to Ukraine.
But I feel a lot of compassion and sorrow for the fate of the Ukrainians.
I understand that I belong to a large tribe whose post-trauma is already part of its DNA.
When a great national trouble occurs in the world it is hard for me to ignore and I find myself experiencing it through all means of communication and introspection and I need to learn the smallest details.
I'm sure I'm no better than others who say that as long as they can not do anything about it they prefer to turn off the news and clean the shelves of the fridge or watch nature movies.
But I also remember how in times of existential anxiety here a few kind words from people I have never met and probably never will have helped me. You know who you are. There is something so empowering in a few words in such difficult hours.
So do not ignore, try to do something small, in a word, in thought in whatever way you choose.