Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Meanwhile here

As time goes by we get used to fear, it becomes a pale shadow of itself and sometimes it turns into indifference.                                                                                                                                                                              Words like "regional war" that many talk about as a realistic option here wake it up anew, but thank God that nature invented the defense mechanisms and you can move on as if nothing happened.                                                                                                                                                                      I'm sorry I don't comment on your posts, you are my favorite people and you know who you are, I read every day and love you but something has become silent in me, it will come back.                                                                             Our lives that are made of layers are made of the same gems everywhere in the world, the joys, the troubles, the health, the sick, the meals, the birthdays, the togetherness and the loneliness, here there is simply one more layer that is very special to this place and it is called spirits of war, it is definitely a challenge to deal with it and I Hope we succeed.                                                                                                         


  1. This is a very poignant piece of writing Yael. I wish things could be different for you so that you can live without the fear. x

  2. You write the painful truth. The waiting in the beginning must have been terrible . I just hope this strike never comes

    1. I also hope so, unfortunately from moment to moment things look different.

  3. When the war started last October, I rang my grandson and asked him to "come home to Australia", just until the war ended... perhaps 2 months. I offered to put him in school here, just until he finished Year 12. But he said no, he lives at home already. I understood!

    Now he is doing Year 12, and although he writes regularly, I cannot see any chance of him protecting his life alongside his grandparents, uncle and all his cousins.

  4. It's wonderful for him that he has grandparents that he can always go to their safe place. It's good that he has this option that one day he might choose.

  5. Just today, Sue's Jewish hairdresser how many Jews she thought were in the world. She guessed a lot. I guessed 30 million. His answer was 15 million.

  6. Just today I read on one of the blogs that someone writes that her only anger at Biden is that he stated that he is a Zionist. The meaning of his statement is that he supports Israel. The meaning of that blogger's anger is that she is anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish, this is one of the things that is so painful. I can't understand this hatred towards us.

  7. You will succeed. I know this in my heart. Thinking of you often and sending love to you and your beloveds.

    1. Thank you am.Your comments here are always encouraging.

  8. I have faith, and hope, in the current round of peace talks. It has to end at some time; why not now! Our thoughts are with you. xx

  9. Thank you Cro.Now it is almost certain that we are before another war, what the meaning of this is, time will tell.

  10. I hope and pray that the current peace talks will succeed. Why can´t people understand that war is terrible for both sides, and they all will suffer terribly?
    Hilde in Germany

  11. I hope you succeed too! Indeed I hope we ALL succeed in staving off war, "regional" or otherwise.

    1. Like you, I too am waiting for times without wars.

  12. May you be kept safe and secure Yael,and may peace within be yours,know you are
    loved and prayed for,

  13. Dear Yael, my thoughts and hopes are with you, wishubg tou and your family are safe (and every one else)
    It is amazing what the human spirit can cope with. In spite of todays events I hope that at last the talks can bring peace soon, War is bad for everyone except thos who benefit financially (but at what cost to their souls,
    stay safe .

  14. Thank you Kathy. Indeed it is amazing how much our soul can bear.

  15. Watching the news I see more heinous behavior in your part of the world,it was good to see your
    comment on Going Gently John's blog , your having
    managed to remain safely
    unharmed is an answer to
    prayers said by me and and many others,-Mary

  16. Thank you so much Mary. Yael

    1. Mary I also saw your comment on John blog before you deleted it, I don't have enough words to thank you for your sensitivity and care.

  17. It's easy to empathize with you and the situation you're in,hugs to you and your family,-Mary

  18. I’m on the other side and f the world - wishing evil ceases to exist
