Sunday, August 4, 2024

Life on a volcano

 I've always loved reading descriptions of people's lives in Europe before the Holocaust, how they lived on the edge of a volcano before it erupted, how aware they were of the impending danger, how much they lived in denial, and how they coped with their helplessness, with the fate they had no control over. .                       I have read Victor clampere diaries more than once. (I may be spelling his last name wrong here), this is an accurate and reliable description of a man facing his destiny.

I was also interested in how people who actually live near volcanoes always return to live in those places even after their homes are destroyed by volcanic eruptions.                                                                                          I have never tried to explain to myself this curiosity and attraction to the life stories of the people who walk on the edge of the abyss and still walk.                                                                                                           Now I am this woman walking on the edge of the volcano. Me and with me a few million more here.

Our history and our genes have prepared us for such situations, it's not entirely new, but every time something dramatic happens here, another new element is added that wasn't there before.                                     This time we are promised attacks from the north, from the east, from the south, we are talking about seven different fronts, all the airlines have canceled flights here, many countries are begging their citizens to flee the area and take any possible flight immediately anywhere in the world, just don't stay in this area.                                                                                                                                                                          People are urged to stockpile food, candles, water, generators, etc. and check if they have a protected space. I didn't do any of that and I don't have a protected space.                                                                                             We don't know when it will start, it could happen any minute or some other time soon. Every appointment to the doctor, to the hairdresser, anywhere ends with the words "if nothing happens", nothing is certain.                                                                                                                            


  1. Oh Yael. I cannot imagine it.
    I do not pray but I am fervently hoping that you will be safe x

    1. JayCee,Thank you. For now, just waiting and I hope it won't be so bad.

  2. The diairies of Victor Klemperer. Netanyahu is playing death poker and puts big danger on his population. Hard to understand. Why nobody can stop him and what are his real aims. I wish you strenght to overcome all this.
    Marie Louise

  3. I asked my beloved daughter in law to come to Australia for a while, via whatever airline they could grab. As expected, she said no because she could not leave her own parents. But I cannot sleep from anxiety.
    Be safe Yael.

    1. Many Israelis are indeed trying to get out of here, but I can understand your daughter-in-law. Thank you Hels.

  4. Seems like we are all living on the edge of a volcano these days. Danger and insecurity all around us. Doesn’t feel safe anywhere. I pray for the world … peace to all.

  5. Yes, world peace would be wonderful for us.

  6. I'm sure it's terrifying, and I'm sorry you have to live under these circumstances. Maybe some stockpiling would be a good idea? We used to stockpile supplies in Florida to be ready for hurricanes. (I'm sure people who live there still do!)

    It's just so hard when no one knows what will happen. In some ways, as anonymous said above, it feels like all of us are on the edge of a volcano -- not to minimize your situation, which is obviously more acutely dangerous.

    1. Steve, maybe tomorrow I'll buy some water bottles and candles to calm my worried daughter and son.
      Everyone is probably more afraid of what they don't know, a hurricane seems scarier to me.

  7. Your home is where your roots are and it must be terribly hard to leave whatever happens. I'm watching the news which is telling us Israel is getting ready for an attack of revenge. I hope your defence systems work for you and you stay safe. The waiting must be terrible. Hoping you and all your family stay safe

    1. Thank you Linda.Greece is currently flooded with Israelis who fled there, but I will stay here, as you say, home is where I want to be.

  8. "... Our history and our genes have prepared us for such situations, it's not entirely new, but every time something dramatic happens here, another new element is added that wasn't there before ..."

    My home for the last fifty years is fifty miles from an active volcano and a four-hour drive from a volcano that last erupted in 1980. When Mt. St. Helens erupted, the sound could be heard from several hundred miles away and the ashes traveled vast distances. Your imagery of life on a volcano is sobering and apt.

    Another new element is how so many people are connected to you and others through the internet, hoping against all odds for peace. Sending love always.

    1. I wish I knew who you are, dear Anonymous. Thank you.

  9. That last comment was from me. I changed my settings just now to show that I am not anonymous.

  10. Amanda Wald Rachie is the name I use as an artist and writer.

    1. Now I recognize who you are :)You always know how to say the right word at the right time, am.

  11. Shalom Yael. Just letting you know here is one more person praying for peace and sanity to prevail, but also for strong defenses as needed. So much stress and waiting and worry for everyone. Sending love and hugs. Sara in California

  12. Thank you Sara for always being here at the right time with the right words.

  13. It must be terrible to be in the situation you and your country are, surrounded by enemies on all sides. I pray and hope for peace, but also for the ability of Israel to defense itself. Why is there so much hate in the world? I am afraid to watch the news.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Hlide,Thank you. Meanwhile it's still quiet here and everything is fine.

  14. It is 3:52 am in California. No sleep tonight. Stayed in bed Hoping for the best. Just checked Jerusalem Post and armegdon has t begun. If I was there I hope I would stay but I am not there and cannot bring myself to visit. I carry my olive tree rosary beads from Israel with me constantly and pray for peace. I also pray that your beautiful grandchildren will grow old.

    1. Thank you. I believe everything will be fine.

  15. Yael, praying for you and Israel. Isaiah said it best, " No weapon formed against you shall prosper"...

  16. Someone needs to get all the area's leaders together, and give them a good talking to. If they aren't stopped the consequences could be catastrophic. There is no advantage to killing or being killed. Always thinking of you. x

  17. They don't want us here and will never give up their wild dream of wiping us off the earth. This is the sad truth.

  18. I can't imagine living with that kind of stress. Please take care.

    1. Pixie,Thanks for taking the time to comment here. It's more like Russian roulette here and I hope all goes well.
