Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I'll be on my way soon

I'll be on my way soon. Like every Wednesday lately. 35 minutes to the destination. In my bag, a thinly sliced ​​chicken breast, seasoned breadcrumbs, pasta, ground meat, tomato paste, a bottle of Cola Zero and chocolate. I will prepare schnitzels and bolognese for the children.

The problem is just the way. If it catches me in the middle of the road it's really dangerous. You have to get out of the vehicle and lie on the ground with your hands covering your head. I can lie on the ground, not sure I'll be able to get up easily.


  1. Are the local shops not open? What about parents and friends?

    1. Hels,Everything is open as usual for now. My parents are not here for a long time and my friends are worried like everyone else and doing the same things as me. This is how we have been living for years. You know. Thank you for your concern.

  2. I hope that you have a safe journey. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like to have to worry about that!

  3. Why do you need in such a dangerous and complicated situation drive and cook for your grandchildren ? Are they alone and small in which case I can understand ? To let a mother and grandmother do this trip is a great risk.Just take care if it is possible.
    Margot from Berlin.

  4. I am safe, road was ok, like every day, everything is open.Yael

  5. You are one strong woman. You remind me of that english slogan from WW11, Keep Calm and Carry On.

    1. Pixie,Thank you. I think you are so brave and dedicated doing what you do for your family. I am not as brave as it seems, there is no other way here.

  6. My god, that says it all. How you have to plan, prepare and think for a routine journey. And pray that you make it alive. You're brave but I understand you've got to carry on. I hope you made it safely there and back and enjoyed the time with the children. How are they getting on?

    1. Linda,You understood the situation exactly as it is. The children have no anxieties, their mother manages since they were little to transmit a lot of peace and security and that's how they grow up.

  7. Have continued to see in my mind the image of you lying on the ground with your hands covering your head but didn't understand what that was all about until I found this from 2021 and realized how long this has been part of life in Israel:

    "Echoing a high-tech approach to past conflicts, an officer from Israel’s home-front command went on television to suggest that people download an app with rocket alerts. Citizens were also advised to seek shelter during an alert, and to lie flat on the ground, hands over head, if caught out in the open."

    Sending love always. Your clear voice is heard.

    1. Amanda, Everyone has the apps on their phone, the TV and the radio broadcast every alarm in real time. Flattening on the ground won't really help at the moment of truth, but it's always good to believe in something...

  8. Thank you all for the comments which are so helpful at this time. I will not answer personally, but tomorrow I will write a post that will explain more about the situation.
    I returned safely. The children are perfectly fine, they are not anxious, they have lived this way since they were born and for them there is no other reality. They do what every other child in the world does during a vacation from school, occasionally entering the safe room during an alarm and leaving as if nothing had happened.
    And thanks again to all of you.

  9. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Glad that your trip went well.

  10. Dreadful. I can't imagine living like that. Do you have a gun? Do take great care of yourself.

    1. Get used to everything. From a distance it looks worse than it is for now.

  11. Glad you are safe , Yael and enjoy your visit.
    I an remember my father, home from home guard duties in tin ww2, he had been knocked off his bike by a bomb blast, but he made a joke of it so all we children laughed and we didnt worry. Our parents protected us from the grim reality most of the time.
    stay safe Yael, wishing you and your family a long life with as mmuch peace as possible.

    1. Thank you Kathy for the support. Indeed sometimes the parents can beautify the reality and make it easier for the children.

  12. Thank you Yael for sharing the truth about the situation there, it's
    wonderful to know you are
    alright, I look forward to seeing what you write
    tomorrow -Mary

  13. Thank you Mary. I haven't written yet, maybe tomorrow.

  14. Sadly you need to be braver. For your grandchildren. Continue he to speak
