Tuesday, September 3, 2024

be brave

When someone writes that they don't take sides, even if they are one of my favorite people in blogland, I ask myself where we failed in mediating our reality here to the world.
Please, even those of you who don't take sides, even if it's hard and scary and can create a crack in your worldview, go learn and read what really happened here on October 7th. You will learn the small details and the terrible stories that happened here, in complete surprise, the brutality is captured on the body cameras of the people from Gaza who arrived here that Saturday morning.
Watch, among other things, the video of the boy from Gaza who tells his mother that he killed several women and now father continues. Without going into the small details he describes, and his mother in response encourages him. This is one of the 7000 Gazans who committed the terrible massacre here. Learn the small details, it's important. Also for your history.


  1. Yael, I'm so sorry for what you all have endured. I don't know what to say beyond that. Just that I'm thinking of you.

  2. I have read stories of the October 7th massacre of innocent men, women, and children, as well as the atrocities they suffered. Unbelievable, yet it happened. Israel did not start this conflict that Hamas orchestrated… pure evil. Yael is right. Everyone should know the facts to understand more fully what is happening now. My prayer with the people of Israel.

    1. At some point everything turned upside down on us and victims became accused, not everyone knows what really happened here.

  3. You've being bombarded from outside, riots inside. You certainly don't need more turmoil here.

  4. You understood it all along Linda, unfortunately not everyone does.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A lot of people have no idea about the reality of Hamas or its antecedents, like Yasser Arafat. Total corruption and complete rejection of any 2-states. In 1948, all surrounding arab states waged war against Israel. The idiot above asks "how many killed Palestinians since 1948" ... and maybe they shouldn't have declared and should have accepted, in principle, a 2-state solution. They watch some quick news pieces or some youtube videos and think that Hamas is some "resistance" movement or some anti-imperial faction. They are fanatical islamist fascists of the most barbaric kind.

    In my opinion, anyone who says they "don't take sides" about Hamas ... is implicitly giving credence to Hamas by implying an equivalence. It's like saying you "don't take sides" with Nazis. It's either ignorance or plain antisemitism.

    Stay strong, as ever,

    Liam :)

    1. Liam, you always express better than me what I know and think. thank you

  7. I wisely and proudly take sides! Unending love & prayers for Israel...

    1. Frances, I wonder how it is possible not, if we know the truth. Thank you.

  8. Grieving the immense losses in the past year, I stand with Israel against Hamas. Sending love to you and your beloveds always.

    1. am,Although it happened under sad circumstances here, I'm glad I met someone like you.

  9. I take sides for Israel, always. They are the victims, not the aggressors. If Hamas stopped fighting, the war would be over.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. You've been standing by me for a long time Hilde, thank you.

  10. The details of that day are so terrible that I cannot bear to read them. Did these monsters really NOT expect reprisals? You reap what you sow!

  11. The world and some of our friends in blogland do not understand this unfortunately.

  12. I loved being in Betar and Bnei Akiva in Australia as a single girl, and always thought I could move to live somewhere along the coast from Tel Aviv to Haifa. Three years studying and working there were wonderful, and my Ivrit went from scholarly to more colloquial.

    But now I think the brutality and hatred is too much. I may not ever have been the bravest woman in the world, but the terrorism has defeated me. You be very brave... and safe.

    1. Hels, there is something very special here despite everything, the people are wonderful, there is so much mutual help, people help people in wonderful ways, there is probably a reason we live here despite everything.

  13. Prayers for peace and your people’s safety.

    1. When we asked JNF etc what we outside Israel should be doing to share the load, they said send many crates of tinned food, good quality second-hand clothing, and as much medicine as can be legally bought.

    2. It's strange because we lack nothing here. I understand your need to participate from a distance, in my opinion massive outreach is a very important thing.

  14. I am firmly on Israel's side. I am queasy, however, about the extent of destruction being waged by the Israeli government, with devastating effects for both the Israeli hostages and Gazan civilians. Granted, the people of Gaza chose Hamas as their leadership and as Cro Magnon said above, you reap what you sow. But I wish Israel would focus more on saving any surviving hostages, rather than waging what really is a scorched-earth campaign.

    Regardless, of course I sympathize with the Israelis and the suffering and fear this situation has produced there.

    1. If Hamas won't accept any peace deal with Israel, what is Netanyahu supposed to do?

    2. Steve, It is so difficult to explain to the world what is really happening here, for example, the six abductees who were murdered last week in a tunnel after surviving almost a year of starvation and torture, were in a tunnel whose entrance was through a children's room in Gaza. These are the human shields that Hamas uses. And this is just a small detail of a much bigger story.

  15. I wish I was younger and I could actually do something to help. I feel so guilty watching from afar as so many are fearing for their lives as we are busy planning our next holiday. It doesn't make me feel nice

  16. Judy,You don't have to suffer because of the things that are happening here, it's good that you have a good life and live it without feeling guilty, despite everything we also live moments of joy, among the troubles, even your few kind words here are something good you did for us. thank you
