Saturday, December 2, 2023

The grandmothers who returned from captivity

 They were taken from their homes that Saturday morning. Some of them after hiding in the protected room in their houses when the terrorists were shooting and burning their houses, they could no longer breathe the smoke and left. On the way to captivity they saw the bodies of their friends or their children or their husbands on the sidewalks near the burned houses.                                                                                           The terrorists drove them on motorcycles or on the scooters they stole from them or took them barefoot on a dirt road with spikes, women in their seventies, eighties and eighty-five. The terrorists filmed it on video and they look very amused and happy there. They make fun of the older women.                   These women are women who lived near the border with Gaza and every Friday they would wait there with vehicles that they had ordered in advance to take patients from Gaza for treatment in hospitals in Israel. They believed in peace and were very innocent. They did it for years. In the hospitals they took care of the mothers from Gaza who came with the sick children and gave them everything they needed.                      It didn't help them. They were taken captive without medication and some of them did not survive there. The Red Cross received a list of medications but did not see them.                                                        For 54 days they did not shower, ate pita bread a day, divided the pita into four parts, a quarter for each meal, they lost 20 kilograms of their weight in 54 days.

Before returning home, the terrorists let them shower and dressed them in strange clothes, they did not change clothes for 54 days.

Despite everything, they returned proud and upright and asked the families who received them not to cry. These are the women they are.                                                                                                                                       They also really have nowhere to return to because their houses were burned. Some of them have their husbands still in captivity, there are some whose husbands did not survive captivity because he did not receive medicine or was taken wounded and not treated.

Yesterday in a TV report I saw a young couple of parents announcing to their granddaughter that grandma is coming back. The granddaughter said "Grandma is free?" , in what world should a granddaughter say such a thing?


  1. Those grandmothers sound brave, Yael. Stay safe please.

    1. For now I'm fine. There is no ceasefire, but I am as careful as possible.

  2. Omg, your description is horrific. Those women are strong indeed. They survived. How did they go on knowing their families were massacred and not knowing if or when they would be free. We cannot imagine the terror

    1. It's really something that's hard to understand how it happens.

  3. As Linda says, it is a mark of strength to have withstood all that and still be able to hold up their heads with pride.

  4. And these are women who believed in peace and did a lot for it, but it didn't help them.

  5. Thankyou Yaell, That must of be hard to write. I have just read it to my family, they send loving thoughts to you and all that have suffered. Please take care and stay as safe as you can.

  6. Thank you Kathy. It is a very beautiful and brave act on your part to read this to your family members. I am sorry that these are such difficult contents but this is the reality.

  7. Thankyou Yael, but the bravery was yours in writing the post.

  8. Such evil leaves me at a loss for words,just know I care and am silently praying,Mary

  9. And all we hear about is that they can't get supplies across the Egyptian/Gaza border.

  10. Every day there is a convoy of trucks with fuel and humanitarian equipment that crosses the border, it is photographed and there is documentation, Hamas takes control of these trucks and sells the citizens what they deserve for free.

  11. Cruelty in the name of war is horrific. This war seems to know no bounds. With the ceasefire ending, more death and destruction will occur. It is heartbreaking with no peace in sight. I hope you are being careful and doing everything you can to stay safe.

  12. Anyone in the UK reading first hand accounts of the 7th Oct raid in yesterday's Sunday Times will be horrified. Such barbaric behaviour is inexcusable. I can only hope that all those who took part have paid the price.

  13. The whole truth has not been told yet. The action against those who committed these terrible crimes is still going on and of course is raising a lot of voices against us from those who don't want to understand what happened here.
