Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Meanwhile here

As time goes by we get used to fear, it becomes a pale shadow of itself and sometimes it turns into indifference.                                                                                                                                                                              Words like "regional war" that many talk about as a realistic option here wake it up anew, but thank God that nature invented the defense mechanisms and you can move on as if nothing happened.                                                                                                                                                                      I'm sorry I don't comment on your posts, you are my favorite people and you know who you are, I read every day and love you but something has become silent in me, it will come back.                                                                             Our lives that are made of layers are made of the same gems everywhere in the world, the joys, the troubles, the health, the sick, the meals, the birthdays, the togetherness and the loneliness, here there is simply one more layer that is very special to this place and it is called spirits of war, it is definitely a challenge to deal with it and I Hope we succeed.                                                                                                         

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I'll be on my way soon

I'll be on my way soon. Like every Wednesday lately. 35 minutes to the destination. In my bag, a thinly sliced ​​chicken breast, seasoned breadcrumbs, pasta, ground meat, tomato paste, a bottle of Cola Zero and chocolate. I will prepare schnitzels and bolognese for the children.

The problem is just the way. If it catches me in the middle of the road it's really dangerous. You have to get out of the vehicle and lie on the ground with your hands covering your head. I can lie on the ground, not sure I'll be able to get up easily.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Life on a volcano

 I've always loved reading descriptions of people's lives in Europe before the Holocaust, how they lived on the edge of a volcano before it erupted, how aware they were of the impending danger, how much they lived in denial, and how they coped with their helplessness, with the fate they had no control over. .                       I have read Victor clampere diaries more than once. (I may be spelling his last name wrong here), this is an accurate and reliable description of a man facing his destiny.

I was also interested in how people who actually live near volcanoes always return to live in those places even after their homes are destroyed by volcanic eruptions.                                                                                          I have never tried to explain to myself this curiosity and attraction to the life stories of the people who walk on the edge of the abyss and still walk.                                                                                                           Now I am this woman walking on the edge of the volcano. Me and with me a few million more here.

Our history and our genes have prepared us for such situations, it's not entirely new, but every time something dramatic happens here, another new element is added that wasn't there before.                                     This time we are promised attacks from the north, from the east, from the south, we are talking about seven different fronts, all the airlines have canceled flights here, many countries are begging their citizens to flee the area and take any possible flight immediately anywhere in the world, just don't stay in this area.                                                                                                                                                                          People are urged to stockpile food, candles, water, generators, etc. and check if they have a protected space. I didn't do any of that and I don't have a protected space.                                                                                             We don't know when it will start, it could happen any minute or some other time soon. Every appointment to the doctor, to the hairdresser, anywhere ends with the words "if nothing happens", nothing is certain.