Saturday, January 13, 2024

I found a feather

 I found a feather. I remembered that some say it's a sign from angels and I love signs. I also love angels. I decided to see if Google also knows anything about it and indeed - the best is a white feather, mine is small and gray, I was a little disappointed at first but cheered up when I found this explanation - "The angels know that this is a difficult time for you, but they are telling you that a calmer period is about to enter your life , hold on."                                                                                                                                    In these times I am ready to believe anything that will bring good news.                                                                                                                                           


  1. A feather may well be a message from a loved one who has passed away. I found a big black feather on a holiday last week and had a lovely conversation with my late, much loved mother. It may seem an old fashioned belief that comforted our grandmothers, but I did feel mum's love.

  2. Apparently even rational people (most of the time) like me are forced to hold on to what is there when there is nothing left to hold on to.

  3. We are resilient creatures and can often find comfort in those small things.

  4. I'm certain the colour doesn't make any difference. Someone up there is looking out for you. I would like to believe it's my guardian angel when I find one, brown or grey or white or black. It doesn't matter if I believe or not. It just gives me a lift!!

    1. I remember you mentioned it and I was really waiting for a feather...

  5. An auspicious sign. Maybe a gift from a dove.

  6. I decided to think of it as an encouraging sign.

  7. Yes! Consider it a positive omen, for sure. :)

  8. I also like the fairy mushroom near to it!

  9. I like it too even though it's not real.

  10. I believe in guardian angels, Yael - and it will protect you. A grey feather is suitable mirroring the awful situation you are in. There will come a time that a white one will waft down in peace, hopefully soon.

  11. That coleus is a strong rooted, sturdy little shrub. Another good sign.

  12. You were meant to find that feather and I'm so glad you did! Someone is watching over you bringing healing and peace.

    1. Since then I've been looking for feathers every day...

  13. It looks like a Pigeon feather, and Pigeons are great survivors. I think that should tell you something.

  14. Sometimes I find a lot of feathers in the doorway, and then it turns out that the cat was trying to bring me a present.

  15. Doves have beautiful gray feathers and are a symbol of peace. ♡

  16. You certainly have a good eye for spotting small, pretty things on your walk! Wishing you peace!

  17. Your commenters are awesome. Hope that all hatred ends tonight

  18. I've never heard that about feathers before, but in these times I am happy for any hint of better days. Prayers for peace!

  19. When a feather falls to earth it carries all of the birds energy and all of its' power. Feathers represent sky and air; and so they indicate either travel or a spiritual journey.

  20. Could mean someone is watching over you :-)

  21. To me it seems obvious that you are being given
    Godly protection,Mary

  22. I read once that feathers appear when angels are near. It's a comforting thought.
